Dr. Luke Hart
Software Engineer @ TNEI | Cosmologist | He/him/his
@ Lake Windermere, Lake District
Hello, my name is Luke and welcome to my website :-) I am currently working as a software engineer for TNEI Services Ltd., focussing on the deployment and development of the power systems software IPSA. Previously I was a cosmologist for the Jodrell Bank Center of Astrophysics with Jens Chluba, studying the cosmic microwave background, recombination and spectral distortions.
Originally I was studying tension quantifying methods for cosmological datasets alongside Richard Battye as a student intern within the University of Manchester. In 2016, I attained my Master of Physics at the University of Manchester under the supervision of Sarah Bridle, Joe Zuntz and Michael Troxel. In 2020, I attained my Ph.D in cosmology under the supervision of Jens Chluba.
As a researcher, I mainly focused on recombination physics, the cosmic microwave background and fundamental physics. You can see my research interests in more detail here I’ve worked on research with statistical methods such as principal component analysis and maximum likelihood estimators. This culminated in the development of my first software package FEARec++ which produces functional principal components for recombination variations as well as predicting how the components can reconstruct noise constraints.
Since August 2021, I have been the software lead of IPSA. This has involved modification and improvement of the iteration/engineering code written in Fortran, the UI and partial-engine interface code developed in C++ and the scripting capabilities/solution building API in Python. In our team, we developed many new features for IPSA 2.10.0 which was released in May 2022: including updated IEEE arc flash calculations, a new Windows-10 modernised UI aesthetic, developed capability for networks parsed in CIM (Common Information Model) and the ability to quickly build units of energy storage for capability such as P28 studies.